Jupiter Ascending
Digital Bee Keeper for the Wachowskis sci-fi epic.
I was tasked with modelling and rigging the insect, and ultimately designing the bee behaviour for this shot. It was key because it served as the style guide for approximately 80 other shots in the sequence.
Many shots required several bees and the directors were often asking for more and more. I created a bee library of animations to solve this.
The film also was a massive personal milestone in my career, to work on a picture that starred Sean Bean.
I created loop-able motions to quickly provide texture for multiple shots, usually reserved for background or out of focus bees. In some cases the animation was the foundation for creating something a little more bespoke.
Visualisation and creative ideas go hand in hand. I was given carte blanche to map out the bee in the opening shot. The Wachowskis were adamant that the bee absolutely capture the subtleties of a genuine honey bee.
Once the bee work was completed, I helped the team create a digi double of Caine to replace the stunt performance.
I repurposed the ‘Caine’ rig and built several CG crowd assets. Simple movement cycles were applied for the final shot.
I was honoured to get a mention in the Jupiter Ascending article for Cinefex’s 141st issue. Huge career goal accomplished!