Easy Content Folders

I tend to organise all my projects using the same folder structure each time, here is a simple idea to instantly get your new project going.


The creation of a new project Unreal, you’ll be given a super basic scene and just one folder. I like to make all my projects universal in design, essentially build a visual language of where I can find assets, rigs, textures etc.


Here is the folder layout for how I am organising my current short film project. I use numbers to force the order and I often have the folder containing the levels at the top of the stack. Certain folders have sub folders to further collate the imports.


Here is my basic generic folder naming convention, it’s nothing revelatory but having a copy of these allows me to quickly setup new projects and begin loading in my assets.


All that is required to get these into your Unreal project is to copy them into the content folder of the project and Unreal will simply update and you’ll see them in the content window.


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